
Derivatives D


Groupo: Economia > 2º Ciclo > Parte Escolar > Unidades Curriculares Optativas > Optativa Condicionada 3 e 4


6.0 (para cálculo da média)


This curricular unit introduces and characterizes the derivatives markets and products as well as their value and uses. In the first part, this unit aims to study in detail forwards and futures, evaluate them and identify the main strategies for hedging and investment purposes. This unit also introduces swaps and their valuation. In the second part, students' options are presented along with their use and valuation according to different methodologies. A student who successfully completes this curricular unit should: • Recognize the origins and evolution of derivative markets and products, as well as their application in finance. • Recognize and apply the primary valuation models for derivative contracts (forwards, futures, options, and swaps); • Recognize and understand the main derivatives strategies for risk management and investment purposes; • Be familiar with the derivatives markets in Europe and around the world.


1 Introduction to Derivatives 2 The Mechanics of Futures Markets 3 Hedging Strategies Using Futures 4 Determination of Forward and Futures 5 Currency and Equity Swaps 6 The Mechanics of Options Markets and the Properties of Stock Options 7 Trading Strategies Involving Options 8 Binomial Trees 9 Stochastic Processes and Monte Carlo Simulation 10 The Black-Scholes-Merton Model 11 Options on Stock Indices and Currencies 12 Futures Options

Método de Avaliação

The course is structured into 13 weekly sessions of 3 hours (2 sessions of 1.5 hours each), in which new topics are introduced by the lecturer. Students are asked to solve problems on the different topics covered, and they are given access to solutions.

Carga Horária

Carga Horária de Contacto -

Trabalho Autónomo - 0.0

Carga Total -



  • Options, Futures and Other Derivatives: John Hull 2018 10th edition, Person Education, Inc.


Disciplinas de Execução

2024/2025 - 1 Semestre

2023/2024 - 1 Semestre