Operational Marketing MO-E
Groupo: Economics > 1º Ciclo > Unidades Curriculares Optativas
6.0 (para cálculo da média)
To develop the student's understanding of basic concepts and terminology of marketing. To offer insights concerning what marketing managers do, with a focus on the functional components of marketing (i.e., product, pricing, promotion/communication and channel decisions).
Marketing: Importance and Scope - Fundamental Marketing Concepts; - Company Orientations toward the Marketplace; - Marketing-Mix. Marketing Information - Marketing Information System; - Organization Marketing Environment. Marketing-Mix - Product and Services Decisions; - Design of the product strategy; - Development of branding; - Pricing Strategies; - Distribution Channels; - Communication.
Carga Horária
Carga Horária de Contacto -
Trabalho Autónomo - 108.0
Carga Total -