Mathematics I M1-E
Groupo: Economics > 1º Ciclo > Unidades Curriculares Obrigatórias
Groupo: Economics > 1º Ciclo > Unidades Curriculares Obrigatórias
6.0 (para cálculo da média)
-To provide a grounding in mathematical tools that are needed for economics. -To develop rigor and ability to manipulate mathematical methods. -To increase capacity for solving quantitative problems having applications in economics in view.
Linear Algebra: Linear spaces of vectors; Matrices; Systems of linear equations. Calculus: Functions of the real variable; Geometric progression; Differential calculus; Integral calculus.
Método de Avaliação
Theoretical lectures (theory and examples) + Practical lectures (resolutions of exercises) Two assessment periods are available: the Normal Period and the Repeat Period. Both Periods consist of one single examination with a duration of no less than 120 minutes, graded in a 0 - 20 scale (G). Students obtaining a grade of no less than 9,5 marks (G>= 9; 5) will be approved. Their final grade will be given by G rounded to an integer number.
Carga Horária
Carga Horária de Contacto -
Trabalho Autónomo - 95.0
Carga Total -
- A first course in Calculus: Serge Lang 1986 Springer
- Introduction to Linear Algebra: Serge Lang 1986 Springer