
Business Law BL-E


Groupo: Economics > 1º Ciclo > Unidades Curriculares Optativas


6.0 (para cálculo da média)


This course aims at providing students with general knowledge regarding Portuguese Business Law. Upon successful completion of this course the students shall inter alia develop Business Law vocabulary, explain fundamental Business Law concepts, and discuss topics relating to Business Law, e.g., those related to commercial companies and other entrepreneurs´ liability. With particular focus on business ethics issues, Students should assimilate the basic rules of management and operation of corporate bodies, of mergers and acquisition processes and of the situations where and why a company goes into insolvency. It is preponderant to understand the rules of Competition Law and Industrial Property Law, as well as what characterizes the main commercial agreements.


Presentation. Basic concepts of Business Law. The importance of Business Law. Business Law The Commercial Code; Traders; Obligations of the Traders; Articles 2, 13 and 230 of the Commercial Code. Commercial Companies in Portugal - Types; - The Portuguese Companies Code; - Relevant aspects of the applicable regime. Mergers and Acquisitions. Insolvency. Competition Law (brief study). Industrial Property. Commercial Agreements.

Método de Avaliação

As the classes are theoretical-practical, during them shall be presented and solved case studies about the treated themes and, periodically, the students will be invited to answer small quizzes and/or to present brief exhibitions about CU themes; the classification of the 5 best quizzes plus the one obtained with the exhibition(s) added to 50% of examination classification will be student´s final classification, except in case the result of final examination is higher; attendance to the Final Written Exam of the Regular Season is mandatory.

Carga Horária

Carga Horária de Contacto -

Trabalho Autónomo - 0.0

Carga Total -




Disciplinas de Execução

2022/2023 - 1 Semestre

2024/2025 - 1 Semestre

2023/2024 - 1 Semestre