
Financial Data Science FDS-MFIN


Groupo: Finance > 2º Ciclo > Parte Escolar > Unidades Curriculares Obrigatórias


6.0 (para cálculo da média)


By the end of this course, the students should be able to understand and deploy a diverse set of statistical and machine learning techniques for the analysis of different types of data, and particularly financial data.


Introduction to forecasting with machine learning. Linear models and regularization. Logistic regression. k-nearest neighbors. Decision trees. Naive Bayes methods. Support vector machines. Ensemble methods. Neural networks and deep learning. Unsupervised learning methods. Big Data projects.

Método de Avaliação

Written exam.

Carga Horária

Carga Horária de Contacto -

Trabalho Autónomo - 121.0

Carga Total -


Não foi definida bibliografia principal

Disciplinas de Execução

2024/2025 - 1 Semestre

2023/2024 - 1 Semestre