Household Economics and Finance HEFIN
Groupo: Gestão > 1º Ciclo > Unidades Curriculares Optativas
4.0 (para cálculo da média)
After the Course, the student will be able to: Analyze and understand the economic behavior of households and individuals in relation to labor supply, human capital investment, choice between work and leisure and consumption. Analyze the financial decisions of households and individuals in relation to the acquisition of financial assets, liabilities and credit demand. Familiarize students with data bases (e.g. micro data from Eurostat, ECB, etc..) and some methodologies that enable empirically investigate the behavior of households and their members. Understand the impact of the behavior of households on macroeconomics and the effects of economic policies (e.g. fiscal policy) in households.
- Household Economics and Household Finance: main concepts; - Facts and theories on intrahousehold allocation of resources; - Labor supply, consumption, leisure and household production; - Human capital: investing in oneself and one?s family (e.g. children); - Constructing household financial statements from household surveys; - Credit demand and over-indebtedness; - Household/individual portfolio decisions: from normative models to observed behavior.
Carga Horária
Carga Horária de Contacto -
Trabalho Autónomo - 68.0
Carga Total -