Organizational Culture and Behavior OCB-MIM
Groupo: Management > 2º Ciclo > Parte Escolar > Unidades Curriculares Obrigatórias
3.0 (para cálculo da média)
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the behaviour of individuals and organisations in modern competitive contexts. The main goal is to comprehend the factors that influence success and sustainability, with an emphasis on how organisational members and managers experience, understand, and manage culture, people, and processes in organisations. Specific course objectives include: A) To apprehend the fundamentals of organisational behaviour, including the levels of analysis and intervention; B) To understand leadership, values, and organisational culture, and their effects on individual and corporate behaviour and performance; C) To understand cultural differences across nations and regions, and how these differences impact business and management styles.
1. Organisational behaviour: a management perspective 2. The individual level of analysis 3. The group level of analysis 4. The organisational level of analysis: culture 5. The organisational level of analysis: leadership 6. Organisational change and performance
Método de Avaliação
Teaching methods include face-to-face and online lectures via Teams, case discussion, exercises, and team work. Students are also encouraged to share their work experiences in class. Assessment has two components: a) Essay (45%), in groups: a 2,500-word written essay, based on a topic handed over on the first day of the course, and to be returned by 31st October. b) Exam (55%), individual: 20 Jan 2023 (09h00-11h00) / retake: 03 Feb 2023 (15h00-18h00)
Carga Horária
Carga Horária de Contacto -
Trabalho Autónomo - 62.0
Carga Total -
- Understanding Organizational Culture: Alvesson, M. 2002 Sage Publicatins.