
Science, Technology and Society STS-MIRS


Groupo: Innovation and Research for Sustainability > 2º Ciclo > Parte Escolar > Unidades Curriculares Obrigatórias


6.0 (para cálculo da média)


The course aims to train students: - for knowledge about the relationship between science, technology and society using several analytical perspectives and research methodologies specially located in the disciplinary area of studies of science and sociology of science on topics related to the sustainability challenges for societies; - for analytical skills for understanding the social and organizational implications of current trends of the scientific and technological evolution; - for communicational skills in oral and written exercises as class presentation and written research wor;. - for skills in organizing scientific information for research project or future master dissertations.


1.Understanding Science, Technology and Society: 1.1. Current Issues in Understanding Science, Technology and Sustainability; 1.2. New paradigms of science production; 1.3. Investigate CTS: Methods from Sociology and Social Studies of Science. 2.Science, Globalization, Social and Environmental Change: 2.1. The information society and the network society; 2.2. The risk society. 2.3. Science governance. 3.Scientific Work, Scientific Profession and Scientific Profession: 3.1. Organization of science and technology; 3.2. The lab as a space for science production; 3.3. Scientific work and profession in science and technology.

Método de Avaliação

The evaluation of this course is composed by: - a presentation of one text available in the course program. The presentation will led during the classes and a written guideline in PowerPoint is expected (40%). This exercice looks to evaluate communicational and logical skills. - a group or individual written research work (maximum 4 elements, 50%): several themes will be proposed by the teacher. Discussion of the work is included. The work is expected to analyze empirical data and use correctly a theoretical framework. The evaluation is accomplished first through the project of the work submitted after the easter holidays (10%) and then the all work is evaluated at the end of the semester and after an oral presentation (40%). - participation in seminars and other class activities (10%). UC students should prepare for the various classes. More specifically, for each week, indications for reading the required texts are given. If student participation is sufficient, this dimension will have no effect on the final grade. Students who demonstrate participation above this threshold can earn one point. Students with participation below this threshold may have one point less on their grade. The quality of participation is also considered.

Carga Horária

Carga Horária de Contacto -

Trabalho Autónomo - 134.0

Carga Total -



  • Post-Normal Science and the complexity of transitions towards sustainability: RAVETZ, Jerome 2006 Ecological Complexity, 2006, 3, pp.275-284.
  • Ciência com consciência: MORIN, Edgar 1994 Lisboa, Europa-América
  • Revisiting the Third Mission of Universities: Toward a Renewed Categorization of University Activities?: LAREDO, Philippe 2007 Higher Education Policy 2007, 20, 441- 456.
  • Give me a laboratory and I will raise the world: LATOUR, Bruno . in Biagioli, Mario (ed.): The science studies reader, Routledge, pp.258-275.
  • The new production of knowledge: GIBBONS et al. 1994 London, Sage,
  • Looking for the cosmopolitical fish: monitoring marine pollution with anglers and congers in the Gulf of Fos, southern France: GRAMAGLIA, Christelle, MÉLARD, François 2019 Science , Technology & Human Values (accepted)
  • Tree Perspectives in STS in the Policy Context: FUGLSANG, Lars . Stephen H., Cutcliffe and Carl Mitham (Ed.): Visions of STS Counterpoints in science, technology, and society studies. 35-49.
  • Taking European Knowledge Society Seriously, Report of the Expert Group on Science and Governance to the Science: EUROPEAN COMISSION 2007 Economy and Society Directorate, Bruxelles
  • Remaking participation: Science, environment and emergent publics: CHILVERS, Jason & KEARNES, Matthew (eds) 2016 London, New York: Routledge
  • La era de la information: CASTELLS, Manuel 1997 Vol 1. Madrid, Alianza Ed.,1997. pp. 87-94; 118-142; 172-175; 179-309.
  • Acting in an uncertain world: an essay on technical democracy: CALLON, Michel, LASCOUMES, Pierre, BARTHE, Yannick 2011 Cambridge, MIT Press
  • Risk Society: BECK, Ulrich 1992 London, Sage
  • Objectos impuros: Experiências em Estudos sobre a Ciência.: ARRISCADO, João N.& ROQUE, Ricardo., 2008 Porto, Edições Afrontamento


Disciplinas de Execução

2024/2025 - 1 Semestre

2023/2024 - 1 Semestre