
Innovation Management IM-MIRS


Groupo: Innovation and Research for Sustainability > 2º Ciclo > Parte Escolar > Unidades Curriculares Obrigatórias


6.0 (para cálculo da média)


- To provide a wide vision on the nature, sources, opportunities and the impact of innovation as well understanding the key concepts, models and practices associated to innovation management; - Study the organization of new product services or process development projects, including integration of product and process innovation; - To know and practice tools associated to Design Thinking and innovation driven by design; - To know and practice design thinking tools applied to business model innovation; - Understand the current wide social transformations and the role of social innovation; - To know the specificities associated to responsibe innovation, innovation that contributes to sustainability and etical problems associated to technology and innovation management; - Study and practice of Profound Innovation based on participative methods and TheoryU.


1.Concepts, models and practices associated to innovation manegement Innovation 2. Technology and innovation cycles: strategy a patterns of change Patterns of change 3. New product/processes development – the linear NPD model 4. Innovation driven by design thinking 5. Business model innovation 6. Social Innovation 7. Responsible innovation and sustainability: main ethical issues 8. Profound Innovation and TheoryU

Método de Avaliação

Classes involve a mix of theory and practice, but based on liberating structures and using participative practices. Sessions are organized as workshops using processes such as fishbowl, world-café, and case studies in small videos.

Carga Horária

Carga Horária de Contacto -

Trabalho Autónomo - 134.0

Carga Total -



  • Presence: Exploring Profound Change in People, Organizations and Society: Senge, Peter M. et al. 2005 London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing.
  • Theory U: Leading from the Future as it Emerges. The Society for Organizational Learning: Scharmer, C. Otto 2007 Cambridge, USA.
  • Developing a framework for responsible innovation, Research Policy,: Jack Stilgoe et al., 2013 Volume 42, Issue 9, Pages 1568-1580
  • Managing Social Innovation. In: Dodgson et al. (eds.): Lawrence, Thomas et al. 2014 Oxford Handbook of Innovation Management. OUP, pp. 316-334.
  • Design Thinking . What It Is . Why It Is Different . Where It Has New Value.: Owen, C. L. 2014 .
  • The Startup Owner's Manual: The Step-By-Step Guide for Building a Great Company: Blank, S. 2012 K&S Ranch
  • Managing Innovation ? Integrating technological, market and organizational change: Tidd, Joe e John Bessant 2009 4ª ed., John Wiley & Sons.


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