
Sustainability Sciences and Policy SSP-MIRS


Groupo: Innovation and Research for Sustainability > 2º Ciclo > Parte Escolar > Unidades Curriculares Obrigatórias


6.0 (para cálculo da média)


- Understand what sustainability science is, its main characteristics, principles, and approaches, i.e., make known a scientific field that evolved from environmental/ natural sciences, integrating social and economic perspectives, to deal with complex, uncertain, multi-scale and urgent problems. - Understand socio-ecological challenges, their drivers, and policy and global organizational responses. - Recognise key environmental, social, governance and economic challenges linked to local and global organisational/ business practices - Build insight into key approaches namely organizational accountability, circular economy for sustainable development. - Perceive corporate social responsibility-based management as a social innovation. - Acquiring skills on approaches and instruments for sustainability used by organisations.


Sustainability science and various concepts - The planetary and social state and the challenges for sustainable development; sdgs; Organizational sustainability introduction - Approaches of companies/ organizations regarding CSR . Introduction to shared value approach. Key issues for sustainability of value chains Recent EU guidelines and policies - On climate change, due diligence, reporting and accountability, sustainable financing Environmental management ecosystem services and biodiversity Climate change - mitigation and adaptation strategies Integrated/ sustainability reporting summary - according to GRI and SASB norms Sustainability assessment to measure sustainability performance sustainability indexes, sectoral models environmental and social life cycle assessment Adaptive management for resilience key elements and principles to address complex and dynamic challenges, especially in the context of climate change and environmental uncertainty

Método de Avaliação

The pedagogical approach will use systemic thinking, i.e., it will promote the understanding of the multiple links and interdependencies between actions and effects and their evolution. The pedagogical tools are related to sessions divided into 3 major parts: 1. Interdisciplinary teaching (summary presentations) 2.Implementing critical thinking in class (collaborative learning, problem solving exercises and case study analysis) 3.Integration, analysis, and discussion of exercises (includes assessment moments)  “Regular assessment” consists of short quizzes and written assignments (from 20 to 40% of the final mark) in class and a final report done in group without presentation (60%).  There will be a “Repeat assessment” for those who did not pass the regular assessment or wish to have a better final mark in the course.

Carga Horária

Carga Horária de Contacto -

Trabalho Autónomo - 134.0

Carga Total -



  • Sustainability Science: Kates RW, Clark WC, Corell R, Hall JM, Jaeger CC, Lowe I, McCarthy JJ, Schellnhuber HJ, Bolin B, Dickson NM, Faucheux S, Gallopin GC, Grübler A, Huntley B, Jäger J, Jodha NS, Kasperson RE, Mabogunje A, Matson P, Mooney H, Moore III B, O?Riordan T, Svedin U. 2001 American Association for the Advancement of Science, Science, New Series, 292(5517): 641-642.
  • Structuring sustainability science: Jerneck A, Olsson L, Ness B, Anderberg S, Baier M, Clark E, Hickler T, Hornborg A, Kronsell A, Lo¨vbrand E, Persson J. 2011 Sustainability Science 6:69?82.
  • Carroll's pyramid of CSR: taking another look: Carroll, A.B. 2016 Int J Corporate Soc Responsibility 1, 3


Disciplinas de Execução

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2023/2024 - 1 Semestre