
Evaluation and Management of R&I Projects EMRIP-MIRS


Groupo: Innovation and Research for Sustainability > 2º Ciclo > Parte Escolar > Unidades Curriculares Obrigatórias


6.0 (para cálculo da média)


Learning objectives are the understanding, firstly, of project management elements in order to ensure the achievement of objectives, fulfilling their phases and assumptions, and, secondly, the understanding of the strategic variables of the investment, as application of resources that should return more than their value. So, on the one hand, knowledge of the basic concepts of corporate investment management and valuation, and, on the other hand, the cycle of the innovation process and the R&D project, will be essential for the determination and valuation of the resources applied and subject to evaluation. Learning objectives include understanding the methodologies for evaluating the return on investment in science, technology and innovation, as well as understanding the sources of funding in terms of public programs and funding agencies.


I. Fundamentals of Investment Project Management and Evaluation Chapter 1. Investment Project Chapter 2. Business Innovation Assessment II. RDI Project Management at entrepreneurial approach Chapter 3. Introduction to RDI Project Management Chapter 4: Phases of an RDI Project Chapter 5: Portfolio Management of RDI Projects. Chapter 6: Partnership Projects: Open Innovation and Innovation Networks. Chapter 7: POCI - R&D Investment Assessment and Support Criteria Practical Case Study: Presentation of a Brisa Autoestradas project. III. R&D Project Management in the context of Research Institutions Chapter 8: Institutional Organization Chapter 9: Project Management Chapter 10: Horizon 2020 - R&D Evaluation and Support Criteria Case Study of Organizing R&D Institutions: Champallimaud Foundation. IV. Integrative Synthesis Chapter 11: Integrating Different Perspectives: Project Management as a central vector of innovation and R&D management in diverse contexts.

Método de Avaliação

As this is a course aiming at the transmission of the fundamentals, concepts and principles about project management and evaluation, the classes assume a theoretical-practical nature, combining the treatment of theoretical concepts with case studies that adhere to reality. The assessment is based on an individual written exam, combined with the continuous classroom assessment obtained from the discussion of case studies.

Carga Horária

Carga Horária de Contacto -

Trabalho Autónomo - 134.0

Carga Total -



  • Decisão de Investimento – Em Ambiente de Incerteza e Risco, Actual Editora: Andrez, J., Cruz, Manuel M. 2013
  • Horizon 2020 - The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Bruxelas.: European Commission 2011
  • Projetos de I&D: normas de execução financeira,: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia 2014
  • Inovação em Portugal, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos.: Godinho, Manuel M. 2013
  • Managing research, development and innovation: managing the unmanageable, New Jersey, Wiley (3rd ed.).: Jain, Ravi K., Triandis, Harry C. e Weick, Cynthia W. 2010


Disciplinas de Execução

2024/2025 - 2 Semestre

2023/2024 - 2 Semestre