
Research Management and Public Policy RMPP-MIRS


Groupo: Innovation and Research for Sustainability > 2º Ciclo > Parte Escolar > Unidades Curriculares Obrigatórias > Research Management and Policy


6.0 (para cálculo da média)


To acquire and consolidate structured knowledge in the field of research and innovation policies, namely in what concerns to its intertwining with other sectorial policies. To understand the organization and dynamics of national research and innovation systems and its actors. Acknowledge the role of scientific knowledge in evidence-based policy making, and science diplomacy in a global context. To understand the role of research and innovation as a driver for economic, social and environmental development and competitiveness in a global context for sustainability. To improve the ability to support excellence in research across the whole project lifecycle with different national and international funding schemes, evaluation frameworks and open access policies. To manage and support the development of a sustainable project portfolio, while acknowledging ethics, gender and diversity, and observing legal and financial best practices in research management.


1. Policy for science. Public policies in research and innovation. 2. Historical perspective and benchmarks in research policy. Research systems and actors. 3. Science for policy. Evidence-based policy making. Innovation in public administration. Think tanks and science diplomacy. 4. European research. 5. Universities and research institutions: governance and sustainable operations. 6. Research community: advanced training, careers, international collaboration and interdisciplinarity. Gender equality and diversity. 7. Research funding and the sustainability of research systems. 8. Research projects and grantsmanship. 9. Evaluation frameworks for responsible research and innovation. 10. Research and innovation services: skills, roles and operations in different institutional settings. 11. Responsible research, ethics and integrity 12. Case study: Portugal 1990-2020. 13. Oxford-style debate.

Método de Avaliação

Lectures combined with semi-structured debates. Each lecture is 2h long and revolves around a well-defined theme, previously known by students, to whom preparation materials are made available to online. The students are pushed to debate the scheduled thematic areas, considering the historical and contextual perspective, international benchmarking and putative application to Portugal. Every week, after class, students receive a digital study pack including the materials which have been presented as well as any additional resources that arose in the group discussion, and that might prove relevant for further exploration or practical use. The evaluation has three components (in the full version, or only the exam if chosen): Continuous evaluation in class and participation in the final debate = 20% of final grade Individual written assignment, according to a structured script in a previously negotiated theme = 40% Written exam, 2 hours long, which consists of four main questions = 40%

Carga Horária

Carga Horária de Contacto -

Trabalho Autónomo - 134.0

Carga Total -


Não foi definida bibliografia principal

Disciplinas de Execução

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