
Capital Structure: The effect of Agency problems and asymmetyric information. Problem Set 8. Introduction to Financing with Hybrid Securities.

26 Novembro 2014, 09:30 Clara Raposo

Capital Structure: The effect of Agency problems and asymmetyric information. Problem Set 8.

Introduction to Financing with Hybrid Securities.

Capital Structure: The effect of Personal Taxes, Financial Distress Costs and Agency Problems.

20 Novembro 2014, 11:00 Clara Raposo

Capital Structure: The effect of Personal Taxes, Financial Distress Costs and Agency Problems.

Capital Structure: The effect of Personal Taxes, Financial Distress Costs and Agency Problems

20 Novembro 2014, 09:30 Clara Raposo

Capital Structure: The effect of Personal Taxes, Financial Distress Costs and Agency Problems.

Valuation in the presence of Corporate Taxes and Problem Set 7 (conclusion).

19 Novembro 2014, 11:00 Clara Raposo

Valuation in the presence of Corporate Taxes and Problem Set 7 (conclusion).

Valuation in the presence of Corporate Taxes and Problem Set 7 (conclusion).

19 Novembro 2014, 09:30 Clara Raposo

Valuation in the presence of Corporate Taxes and Problem Set 7 (conclusion).