Class 24: Deflating economic and business data
15 Dezembro 2022, 09:30 • André Coelho
1. How to deflate economic and business data
2. Revision exercises
Class 23: Deflating economic and business data
13 Dezembro 2022, 11:00 • André Coelho
1. Intuition and Idea
2. How to deflate economic and business data
3. Deflators: the CPI and other deflators
4. Exercises and applications
Class 22: Composite indices: quantity, price and value
12 Dezembro 2022, 14:30 • André Coelho
1. Composite indices (quantity, price and value)
1.1 Revision and exercises
2. Deflatingeconomic and business data
2.1 Nominal and real values; current and constant prices
3. Q&A on the 2nd research assignment
Class 21 - Composite indices
6 Dezembro 2022, 11:00 • André Coelho
1. Composite indices
1.1 Idea and intuition
1.2 From simple to composite indices
1.3 Expenditure/ value indices
1.4 Laspeyres and Paasche indices
1.5 Properties
1.6 Exercises
Class 20 - Simple indices
29 Novembro 2022, 11:00 • André Coelho
1. Simple index numbers (cont. from previous class)
1.1 Idea, advantages and definition
1.2 Types of simple indices
1.3 Quantity and price
1.4 Fixed base and chained indices
1.5 Properties
1.6 Examples and exercises