Bibliografia Detalhada

“The End of the Externality Revolution”
Barnett, A. H., Yandle B.
Social Philosophy and Policy, Vol. 26, nº 2, pp. 130-150.

“A Market Perspective on the European Sovereign Debt and Banking Crisis"
Blundell-Wignall A., Slovik P.
OECD Journal: Financial Market Trends Volume 2010 – Issue 2, OECD 2011 Pre-Publication Version, February 2011.

Public Infrastructure Financing: An International Perspective
Chan, C., Forwood, D., Roper, H., and Sayers, C.
Productivity Commission Staff Working Paper, Canberra.

Valuing the Future: the social discount rate in cost-benefit analysis,
Harrison, M.
Visiting Researcher Paper, Productivity Commission, Camberra.

A Fundamentação das Decisões Pública: a Análise Custo-Benefício
Martins V.
Documento de Trabalho, ISEG.

“Towards Better Measurement of Government”
OECD Working Papers on Public Governance, No. 1, OECD Publishing.

“Toward a Reconstruction of Utility and Welfare Economics”
Rothbard M. N.
in: On Freedom and Free Enterprise: The Economics of Free Enterprise, May Sennholz, ed., Princeton, N.J:, D. Van Nostrand.

“The BCA of HSR: Should the Government Invest in High Speed Rail Infrastructure?”
Rus G. D.
Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, Volume 2, Issue 1, 2011.

“The EU Stress Test and Sovereign Debt Exposures”
Blundell-Wignall, A., P. Slovik P.
OECD Working Papers on Finance, Insurance and Private Pensions, No. 4, OECD Financial Affairs Division.
(Bibliografia Opcional)

“Investment Appraisal in the Public Sector”,
Brealey A., Coooper I. A., Habib M. A.
Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Vol. 13, nº 4.
(Bibliografia Opcional)

“Toward An Austrian Theory of Environmental Economics”
Cordato R.
The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, Vol. 7, nº 1, Primavera de 2004, pp. 3-16.
(Bibliografia Opcional)

Guide to Cost-Benefit Analysis of Investment Projects
European Commission (2008)
European Commission Directorate General Regional Policy European Commission.
(Bibliografia Opcional)

“What is an Externality?”
Gallahan G., (2001)
The Free Market, Vol. 19, nº 8, Agosto de 2001.
(Bibliografia Opcional)

“The “Externality” Argument”
MacKenzie D. W.
Mises Daily, 27 de Abril de 2009.
(Bibliografia Opcional)

“The Myth of Efficiency”
“The Myth of Efficiency”
in: The Logic of Action One: Method, Money, and the Austrian School, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar, pp. 266-273.
(Bibliografia Opcional)

“Why Externalities Are Not a Case of Market Failure”
Simpson B.
Working Paper, Março de 2005, National University, Department of Business.
(Bibliografia Opcional)

Railpag – Railway Project Appraisal Guidelines
Turró M.
European Commission / European Investment Bank.
(Bibliografia Opcional)

Public Policy Evaluation: Introduction to Quantitative Methodologies
Venetoklis T.
Government Institute for Economic Research, Helsinki.
(Bibliografia Opcional)

“Sovereign Debt Challenges for Banking Systems and Bond Markets”
Wehinger G.
OECD Journal: Financial Market Trends, Volume 2010 – Issue 2, Pre-publication version, December 2010.
(Bibliografia Opcional)