Este artigo é privado e está apenas disponivel para membros do grupo: Alunos de Análise de Sistemas de Informação (ASI) 1 Semestre - 2009/2010 ou Professores de Análise de Sistemas de Informação (ASI) 1 Semestre - 2009/2010




Essencial :
BENNETT, S.; McROBB, S.; FARMER, R., (2006) " Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design Using UML ", 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill.
BRITTON, C. e DOAKE, J., (2006), " Software System Development: A Gentle Introduction ", 4.ª Ed., McGraw Hill.
AVISON, D., FITZGERALD, G. (2006), " Information Systems Development: Methodologies, Techniques & Tools ", 4th ed., McGraw-Hill.
FROST, R., DAY, J., SLYKE, C.V. (2006), " Database Design and Development: A Visual Approach ", Prentice Hall.
LOPES, F., MORAIS, M.P., CARVALHO, A.J., (2009), " Desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Informação ", FCA, 2.ª ed., Lisboa.
SATZINGER, J. W., JACKSON, R. B., (2008), " Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World ", 5th ed., Thomson, Ma, USA.
YEATES, D., SHIELDS, M., HELMY; D., (2003), " Systems Analysis and Design ", Pitman .
DENNIS, A., WIXON; B., ROTH; R., (2008), " Systems Analysis Design ",   4.ª Ed., Wiley.
SHELLY, G., ROSENBLATT, H., (2009), " Systems Analysis and Design ", 8th ed., Thomson.
HARRIS, D., (2003), " Systems Analysis and Design for the Small Enterprise ", 3rd ed., Dryden.
BRITTON, C., DOAKE, J. (2000), " Object-Oriented System Development: A Gentle Introduction ", McGraw-Hill.
LUCAS Jr, H. (1992), " The Analysis, Design and Implementation of Information Systems ", 4th ed., McGraw-Hill.
HOFFER, J.A.; GEORGE, J.; VALACICH, J., (2005), " Modern Systems Analysis and Design ", Benjamin Cummings.
LUNN, K., (2003), " Software Development with UML " , Palgrave.
FAYAD, M., LAITINEN, M., (1998), " Transition to Object-Oriented Software Development ", Wiley.
WHITTEN, J.L., BENTLEY, L.D.,   (2006), " Systems Analysis Design Methods ", 7th ed., McGraw-Hill.