
Oral presentations & reports

20 Outubro 2021, 08:00 Ann Henshall

Oral presentations on The Pandora Papers and Fintech. Completed language focus on generic structure of reports. (Ex F 2.3.)

Oral presentations & Reports

15 Outubro 2021, 10:00 Ann Henshall

Oral presentations on emerging economies and José Socrates' tax evasion scandal. Continued language focus for generic stages of reports. Assigned topic 7.6 and 7.7 (Tech Vocab) for next week.

Oral presentations & Reports

15 Outubro 2021, 08:00 Ann Henshall

Oral presentations on emerging economies and José Socrates' tax evasion scandal. Continued language focus for generic stages of reports. Assigned topic 7.6 and 7.7 (Tech Vocab) for next week.

Oral presentation, tech vocab & reports

13 Outubro 2021, 10:00 Ann Henshall

Oral presentation on how the tax system enables the rich to pay less tax. Student-led correction of unit 49 on taxes (Prof Eng in Use). Explained generic structure of short analytical reports (see Language Ref & Text Bank). Ex E. 1. 2. (unfinished)

Assigned topic 7.6 (Tech vocab) for homework.

Oral presentation, tech vocab & reports

13 Outubro 2021, 08:00 Ann Henshall

Oral presentation on how the tax system enables the rich to pay less tax. Student-led correction of unit 49 on taxes (Prof Eng in Use). Explained generic structure of short analytical reports (see Language Ref & Text Bank). Ex E. 1. 2. (unfinished)

Assigned topic 7.6 (Tech vocab) for homework.