
Debate, The Great Recession & wrap up

14 Dezembro 2023, 10:30 Ann Henshall

Debate: Grameen Bank microloans lift people out of poverty.

Listening to place events and situations in order (BE_2023-2024 Ex K 5. 6.)
General feedback on curricular unit's objectives and the extent to which they were attained.

The Great Recession

14 Dezembro 2023, 08:30 Ann Henshall

Listening to place events and situations in order (BE_2023-2024 Ex K 5. 6.)

General feedback on curricular unit's objectives and the extent to which they were attained.

Tech vocab & the Great Recession

12 Dezembro 2023, 10:30 Ann Henshall

Student-led correction of units 35 & 37. Timeline of events leading up to the Great Recession (Ex K. 5. unfinished)

Debate & the Great Recession

12 Dezembro 2023, 08:30 Ann Henshall

Began ex K 5 - timeline of lead up to the Great Recession.

Debate: China will overtake the US as the world's political and economic leader by 2030.

Debate, creating MBS

7 Dezembro 2023, 10:30 Ann Henshall

Debate: Globalisation leads to greater inequality.

Video & excercise on creating mortgage-backed securities.