
Debate, technical vocab

27 Novembro 2024, 10:30 Ann Henshall

Debate: China will overturn the US as the world's economic and political leader by 2030.

Corrected unit 21.
Wrapped up semester.


27 Novembro 2024, 08:30 Ann Henshall

The Financial crisis

EX  5. 6.
Wrapped up course unit

Debate & Banking

25 Novembro 2024, 10:30 Ann Henshall

Gross Domestic Happiness is more important than Gross Domestic Product.

Securitization ex

Banking & debate

25 Novembro 2024, 08:30 Ann Henshall

The Great Recession ex K 5 pre-crisis period

Debate: Cryptocurrencies only encourage criminal activity on the Dark Web.

Tech vocab & debate

20 Novembro 2024, 10:30 Ann Henshall

Corrected units 20 & 35. Students should check the answers to 37 themselves.

Debate: Globalization leads to greater inequality.