
Students presentations. Corporate governance and default. The role of specialists vs generalist CEOs.

12 Novembro 2020, 20:00 Maria João Guedes

Students presentations.

Corporate governance and default.

The role of specialists vs generalist CEOs.


The benefits of diversity. Corporate Social responsability. The new purpose of the corporations.

5 Novembro 2020, 20:00 Maria João Guedes

The benefits of diversity.

Corporate Social responsability.

The new purpose of the corporations.

Relationship between board characteristics and outcomes.

29 Outubro 2020, 20:00 Maria João Guedes

Relationship between board characteristics and outcomes.

Board diversity.

The codes and models of corporate governance. The new purpose of the firm.

22 Outubro 2020, 20:00 Maria João Guedes

The  codes and models of corporate governance. The new purpose of the firm.

Invited guest speaker from Portuguese Institute of Corporate Governance.

Boads of directors characteristics.

15 Outubro 2020, 20:00 Maria João Guedes

Boads of directors characteristics.