
Rasing capital and financial policy in practice

23 Novembro 2020, 10:00 JOÃO CARLOS CARVALHO DAS NEVES

Incorporating business risk and financial risk in the financial policy

Determinants of financial policy in pratice

Estimating the amount of required external funds 

Mains sources of business finance

The financial system and the various sources of financing

The new trend of green financing



Designing a capital structure

17 Novembro 2020, 10:00 JOÃO CARLOS CARVALHO DAS NEVES

Capital structure irrelevance

Benefit from tax deductibility of interest

Financial distress costs

Static trade-off theory

Agency costs

Asymmetric information costs

Debt rating effects

Capital structure policy

Leverage in an international setting

Designing a Capital Structure

16 Novembro 2020, 10:00 JOÃO CARLOS CARVALHO DAS NEVES

Capital structure irrelevance

Benefit from tax deductibility of interest

Financial distress costs

Static trade-off theory

Agency costs

Asymmetric information costs

Debt rating effects

Capital structure policy

Leverage in an international setting

Investment appraisal techniques

11 Novembro 2020, 10:00 JOÃO CARLOS CARVALHO DAS NEVES

This class was in substitution of the missed class at 26-10-2020


Investment appraisal metrics:NPV, IRR, Modified IRR, Profitability Index and Equivalent Annual Annuity

Why inflation matters

Special cases of capital budgeting: Comparing projects with unequal cash timings, unequal sizes, unequal life spans, unequal risks, corporate budget constraints

Why NPV is more reliable than other metrics: Measures value creation, timing of cash flows, risks of projects cash flow and sdditivity  

Identifying and estimating a project’s relevant cash flows 

1. DCF models 2. Capital budgeting risk analysis

10 Novembro 2020, 10:00 JOÃO CARLOS CARVALHO DAS NEVES

  1. Discounted Cash Flow Methods

WACC method - Project Cash Flow discounted to the WACC - The method most used in practice. Advantageous and disadvantageous

Equity method - Equity cash flow discounted to the cost of equity - Advantageous and disadvantageous

Adjusted Present Value - Project Cash Flow discounted to the unlevered cost of capital plus the value created by debt (usually the tax shield value)

MVA as present value of EVA

MVA as an equivante to NPV

     2. Capital budgeting risk analysis

Risk and uncertainty

Methods to analyse risk