Capital Structure Exercises + Dividends Policy
11 Dezembro 2019, 10:00 • JOÃO CARLOS CARVALHO DAS NEVES
Capital Strucute Practice
- Benchmarking the industry
- Using WACC to optimize capital structure
- Using the Trade off theory in optimizing capital structure
Dividends Policy
Capital Structure + Dividends Policy
9 Dezembro 2019, 10:00 • JOÃO CARLOS CARVALHO DAS NEVES
Capital Strucute Practice
- Benchmarking the industry
- Using WACC to optimize capital structure
- Using the Trade off theory in optimizing capital structure
Dividends Policy
Visit to EDP
4 Dezembro 2019, 10:00 • JOÃO CARLOS CARVALHO DAS NEVES
Meetting the CEO of EDP Mr. Miguel Stilwell
The Corporate Finance and Investments Policy
(Meeting was on 2nd Dec.)
Case Study - EDP
2 Dezembro 2019, 10:00 • JOÃO CARLOS CARVALHO DAS NEVES
Meeting Miguel Stilwell D'Andrade, CFO of EDP
Capital budgeting risk analysis + Capital Structure
27 Novembro 2019, 10:00 • JOÃO CARLOS CARVALHO DAS NEVES
Capital budgeting risk analysis
Risk and uncertainty
Sources of risk in investments
Methods in finance for capital budgeting risk analysis.
Financial modeling principles in excel
The use of Excel and Crystal Ball
The Otobai case using:
NPV break even analysis in Excel
Sensitivity analysis with one variable and two variables in Excel
Scenario analysis in Excel
Monte Carlo simulations with Cystal Ball
Sensitivity analysis in Crystal Ball
Tornado analysis in Crystal Ball
Capital Structure
Capital structure theories
Capital structure in practice
Capital structure in an international environment