
Converting effective rates

11 Outubro 2013, 09:00 Joaquim Montezuma de Carvalho

Compound interest. Converting effective rates.

Compound interest

8 Outubro 2013, 10:00 Joaquim Montezuma de Carvalho

Converting effective rates.

Compound interest rate

7 Outubro 2013, 08:30 Joaquim Montezuma de Carvalho


Finding the Compound rate

Finding the time for an investment to grow

Equations of Value to Find the unknown

Continuous compounding


compound interest exercises.

4 Outubro 2013, 09:00 Joaquim Montezuma de Carvalho

compound interest exercises. Equation of value.

compound interest exercises

1 Outubro 2013, 10:00 Joaquim Montezuma de Carvalho

Compound interest exercises.