
IT-Governance and KPI´s

2 Novembro 2023, 20:30 Rui Guedes

- Working with Clients - defining "milestones";
- "As-Is" and "To-Be" (approach and relevant phases);
- IT-Governance and Data Governance;
- Defining SLA´s (Service Level Agreements) and SLM´s;
- IT Budget and IT monitoring;
- Key elements: scorecard and KPI`s;
- Supporting IT function (Budgeting, SLA´s, bonus, out. Contracts);
- Global, European and Portuguese cases

Analytics, RPA´s and Gen-AI

26 Outubro 2023, 20:30 Rui Guedes

- Analytics implementation (OLAP technology, Data cubes, data lakes and reporting);
- Tech Consulting on RPA (Banking business case - Financial Services);
- LLM (models) and Customer Support Service (bots);
- Consulting support on RFP´s (Difference between RFI, RFQ, RFP); and
- Real samples from Industry and Sectors.

Software as a Service and Cloud migration

19 Outubro 2023, 20:30 Rui Guedes

- ERP: relevant packages (global, european and portuguese perspective);
- Use cases from Banking, Payments (Financial Services), Retail and Tourism and hospitality;
- Consultant´s approach: using Gartner and Forrester POV`s;
- Software as a Service (SaaS) and other dis. models;
- Cloud adoption and Cloud migration; and
- AI (machine learning) adoption and impact on work (WFH). 

Build or Buy Decisions and Algorithms

12 Outubro 2023, 20:30 Rui Guedes

- Build or Buy decisions;
- ERP´s (modular systems): golden rules to implement;
- Enterprise Resource Planning (how to choose) - Matrix decisions;
- How to use benchmarking;
- Relevant Use Cases; and 
- Real Examples from the portuguese and european ecosystem.

Critical components of a Digital Strategy

28 Setembro 2023, 20:30 Rui Guedes

- Digital Strategy (relevant elements);
- IT Consulting and critical documents (PESI) and roles (CIO and CTO);
- POV and the role of Technical Consultants;
- New Data Strategy according with GDPR; and
- Important articles.