

  • Brynjolfsson, Erik e McAfee, Andrew, (2016) The second machine age 2th Edition, Norton & Company -ISBN: 978-0393239355
  • Constantiou, Ioanna; Marton, Attila; and Tuunainen, Virpi Kristiina (2017) Four Models of Sharing Economy Platforms MIS Quarterly Executive: Vol. 16: Iss.4, Article 3.
  • A. High, Peter, (2014) Implementing world class IT Strategy 1st. Edition, John Wiley & Sons - ISBN: 978-1-118 634 110
  • DellaVecchia, Ted; Scantlebury, Stuart; and Stevenson, John G. (2008) Three CIO Advisory Board Responses to "Managing the Realization of Business Benefits from It Investments MIS Quarterly Executive: Vol. 6: Iss.1, Article 4.
  • Iyer, Govind; Ravindran, Sury; and Reckers, Philip M. J. (2006) Procurement of IT Consulting Services and Firm-Specific Characteristics Journal of the Association for Information Systems: Vol. 7: Iss.4, Article 9.
  • Matt, Christian; Hess, Thomas; Benlian, Alexander; and Wiesbock, Florian (2016) Options for Formulating a Digital Transformation Strategy MIS Quarterly Executive: Vol. 15: Iss.2, Article 6.


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