
The European Union

14 Março 2022, 15:00 António Goucha Soares

- EU Constitutional Treaty

- Treaty of Lisbon

The European Union

9 Março 2022, 15:00 António Goucha Soares

- Treaty of Amsterdam

- Treaty of Nice

The European Union

7 Março 2022, 15:00 António Goucha Soares

- The 1992 Treaty of Maastricht that established the European Union

The path to monetary integration

2 Março 2022, 15:00 António Goucha Soares

[The war on Ukraine; the request to join the EU]

- The fall of the Berlin Wall

- German reunification and the European partners: monetary integration

- The IGC's on the EMU and on EPU

European Community

23 Fevereiro 2022, 15:00 António Goucha Soares

- Deepening of European integration

- The 1986 Single European Act