
Fundamental Principles of European Law

8 Novembro 2023, 12:00 António Goucha Soares

- Primacy of European Law

- Direct Effect of European Law

The European Court of Justice

6 Novembro 2023, 12:00 António Goucha Soares

- Judicial Review by the ECJ:

- Annulment actions
- Preliminary actions

European Court of Justice

30 Outubro 2023, 12:00 António Goucha Soares

- European Court of Justice and judicial review: 

- Enforcement actions

Mid-term test

25 Outubro 2023, 12:00 António Goucha Soares

- Mid-term test

The EU legal system

23 Outubro 2023, 12:00 António Goucha Soares

- Sources of European Union law