A new resolution of the prototype exam is available. Changes are in questions 3(c) and 4. The changes are highlighted in red.

Some information regarding the upcoming DMO final exam. 

The exam will take place on January 11th at 9:00 am in rooms 114 and 116 of the F1 building.

To help you prepare for the exam, I have provided a prototype exam, available in both Fénix and Teams.

For the exam, you may use a simple or scientific calculator. No other electronic devices, including graphical calculators, are permitted.

During the exam you may refer to a single A4 sheet, two pages, of your handwritten notes, which must be submitted with your exam.

Please remember to bring writing materials such as a pen and ruler.  Test and draft sheets will be provided.

Resolutions must not be submitted in pencil or on scratch paper.
