Este artigo é privado e está apenas disponivel para membros do grupo: Alunos de Decision Making and Optimization (DMO-DAB) 1 Semestre - 2024/2025 ou Professores de Decision Making and Optimization (DMO-DAB) 1 Semestre - 2024/2025


1. Modeling and Solving with Linear Programming

Lesson Slides: DMO-1-ModelingWithLP.pdf (last update: September 27)

Excel file from lesson 3 (Reddy Mikks example, see slide 12): ExampleRM-lesson.xlsx
Solve Example 1 with Excel Solver:Example1_RM_Excel.xlsx
Solve Example 1 using PuLP and Python: and
Solve Example 1 using FICO-XPRESS:

Exercises: DMO-1-ModelingWithLP_Exercises.pdf

2. Duality and Sensitivity Analysis

3. Transportation Problem and Variants