Detailed Syllabus
detailed syllabus
Detailed Syllabus
PART 1: What is Economics?
1. First principles
2. Economic models: trade-offs and trade
PART 2: Supply and Demand
3. Supply and demand
4. Consumer surplus and producer surplus
5. Price controls and quotas: meddling with markets
6. Elasticity
7. Taxes
PART 3: The Consumer
8. The rational consumer
9. Consumer preferences and consumer choice
PART 4: The Producer
10. Behind the supply curve: inputs and costs
11. Perfect competition and the supply curve
PART 5: Market Structure: Beyond Perfect Competition
12. Monopoly
13. Oligopoly
14. Monopolistic competition and product diferentiation
PART 6: Further Topics
15. Externalities
16. Public Goods
The 16 topics above correspond sequentially to chapters 1 to 7 and 10 to 17 of the textbook Microeconomics by Krugman and Wells, 3 rd edition, 2009. Topics 8 and 9 are in chapter 10.