The assessment consists of a midterm quiz and an exam at the end of term. The quiz does not count to your final grade (your final grade will simply be your exam grade) if you get less than 7.0 (unrounded) in the exam or if you get a higher grade in the exam than in the quiz. This means the quiz will count only if it improves on your exam grade, as long as you get at least 7 in the exam. If you get at least 7 in the exam and a higher grade in the quiz than in the exam, the quiz has a 25% weight, and the exam a 75% weight in your final grade.
This is a 40-minute online quiz consisting of multiple-choice questions. It is open book: you can look up your notes and textbook. It will take place on the 17th November lecture. In due time, we will announce the topics covered in the quiz.
There are two exams: the regular exam (“época normal”, 4th of January of 2021 at 9.00 am) and the repeat exam (“época de recurso”, 1st of February of 2021 at 12.00 noon). You can take the regular exam or skip it and take the repeat exam only. If you take the regular exam and fail, you can then take the repeat exam. In any of these cases, the quiz counts to your final grade as described above.
If you take the regular exam and pass, you can still take the repeat exam to improve your grade (known as “melhoria de nota”; you need to register for the exam at the Undergraduate Office in this case, but not if you have not passed yet); in this case the quiz will no longer count.
Both exams are 2-hour-and 15-minute, in-person, exams, and both are of the type of exams in previous years, consisting of multiple choice and open questions. The exams are closed book: you cannot look up any notes, books or any other learning material. You can use a nongraphical calculator (see “Authorised Calculators” under “See More”) only. Mobile phones, computers, tablets and any other data-storage device must be switched off and put away.
Fraud in any assessment is punishable under Article 12 of ISEG’s General Regulations for Assessment of Undergraduate Degrees, Students Disciplinary Regulations of the University of Lisbon, and the general law, namely the Código dos Direitos de Autor e dos Direitos Conexos (copyright and related rights).