Este artigo é privado e está apenas disponivel para membros do grupo: Alunos de Economics I (E1-E) 1 Semestre - 2019/2020 ou Professores de Economics I (E1-E) 1 Semestre - 2019/2020



Here you will find a collection of exercises in weeklly instalments, which will be added progressively during the semester. Each instalment roughly corresponds to a teaching week and contains exercises that you will solve in classes and others for you to do in your own time. We strongly recommend you do all the exercises in this collection and those in your textbook as well.

Answer Topics to Home Exercises

Here you will find answer topics to Home Exercise and Classroom multiple choice questions. These will be added during the semester. Note that we are not providing full answers; only topics so you can make sure you are on the right track. Full answers to Check Your Understanding questions from the textbook are provided at the end of your texbook, so we will not give them here.