Normal period
The classification for the normal period corresponds:
- To the arithmetic weighted average of the following marks:
- Intermediate Test......................25%
- Theoretical questions................15%
- Final written exam.....................60%
- Or to the final exam, if its mark is larger then the average as indicated.
Intermediate Test
The individual intermediate test, without consultation, occurs during the break period. It lasts 1h15' and it includes some questions for multiple choice and one question to be answered with no other constraints. No electronic device is allowed, with the exception of a non-graphic calculator. The chapters covered by this test will be duly announced.
Theoretical Questions
You will have three opportunities to reply to simple theoretical questions. They correspond to the topics covered by one of the last four lessons before the question is put to you. They will be presented as a surprise, either in a theoretical or in a practical class, and you will have 10 minutes to reply. The questions are original, individual, with an open answer, but to be replied within a standard space, and consultation to all studying material is allowed. One example of such questions will be online. No electronic device is allowed.
Possible marks are five: Excellent (20), good (15), Sufficient (10), Insufficient (5) and Bad (0). The final classification for these questions will be the simple arithmetic average of the best two replies and will be published by the end of the year.
Final written exam
All students having met the minimal criteria have access to the written exam of the normal period (having replied to the intermediate test and, with the exception of the accepted student-workers, at least to two theoretical questions).
The final written exam, without consultation, lasts for 2h and is composed by questions for open answers, similar to the one of the previous 2005/2016 year, available online. Only non-graphic calculators are allowed, and no other electronic device is permitted.
Minimal requirements
The participation at the normal period demands the fulfilling of the following requirements:
- Replying to the intermediate test
- Replying at least to two theoretical questions
- A minimum mark of 7 in the final written exam.
Note : the students with the official status of students-workers as proved by the Office of Graduate Students, in order to get their mark for the regular evaluation during the normal period and therefore to access the final exam of the normal period, may skip the theoretical questions but must reply to the intermediate exam, otherwise he/she must attend the second exam. The final mark will be fixed following the rule: 25% intermediate exam, 75% final exam.
Second exam
The second exam, the recourse period, is an individual written exam. If the students benefit from it, the final mark will also consider the global classification of the other components of evaluation during the semester.
This final exam, without consultation, lasts 2h30' and includes a Part A with 10 questions for multiple choice (5 points) and a Part B with some questions for open answer (15 points), with a structure similar to previous exams available online. No electronic device is allowed, except a non-graphic calculator.