• Regular Evaluation Period (“Época Normal”), which corresponds to the arithmetic weighted average of the following 3 assessment tests:

An Exam (“Época Normal”) counting 60% - minimum grade: 8.0;

Date: 01.06.2021 at 9 a.m.

A mid-term multiple choice test counting 20%;

Date: 29.03.2021 during the theoretical class

An end-term multiple choice test counting 20%;

Date: 10.05.2021 during the theoretical class.


Please note: Both multiple choice tests will only be considered if they contribute to improve the grade obtained in Exam. 


  • Appeal Period (“Época de Recurso”) for those who failed, were absent, or want to improve the grade in the regular evaluation period - Counts 100%.

Date: 28.06.2021 at 9 a.m.


Please note that all evaluations are individual.


Frauds in Exams will be regulated by Art. 12º of the RGAC as well as by Regulamento Disciplinar dos Estudantes, Carta Direitos, Garantias, Código Conduta e Boas Práticas ULisboa.