
T14 - MLRM (Heteroskedasticity)

5 Abril 2022, 13:30 Luís Silveira Santos

7. Multiple Regression Analysis: Heteroskedasticity. [Wooldridge (2016), Chapter 8.]: 
7.5. Testing for Heteroskedasticity (The Breusch-Pagan Test, The White Test); 
7.6. Weighted Least Squares, Generalized Least Squares, Feasible GLS

T13 - MLRM (Heteroskedasticity)

4 Abril 2022, 13:30 Luís Silveira Santos

7. Multiple Regression Analysis: Heteroskedasticity. [Wooldridge (2016), Chapter 8.]: 
7.1. What is Heteroskedasticity? Why Worry About Heteroskedasticity?; 
7.2. Variance of the OLS estimator with Heteroskedasticity; 
7.3. Robust Standard Errors; 
7.4. Heteroskedastic-robust Wald statistic and A Robust Lagrange Multiplier Statistic

P07 - MLRM (RESET test)

1 Abril 2022, 10:30 Luís Silveira Santos

Exercise C1i) (Wooldridge, Introductory Econometrics, 6th ed., Chapter 9)

Class was dismissed one hour before schedule due to a serious health condition of a student.

T12 - MLRM (Dummy variables)

29 Março 2022, 13:30 Luís Silveira Santos

6. Multiple Regression Analysis with Qualitative Information: Dummy variables. [Wooldridge (2016), Chapter 7.]: 

6.6. Other Interactions with Dummies; 
6.7. Testing for Differences Across Groups (Chow Test); 
6.8. Linear Probability Model

T11 - MLRM (Dummy variables)

28 Março 2022, 13:30 Luís Silveira Santos

6. Multiple Regression Analysis with Qualitative Information: Dummy variables. [Wooldridge (2016), Chapter 7.]: 

6.1. Introduction; 
6.2. Program Evaluation; 
6.3. Perfect Multicollinearity and the Dummy variable trap; 
6.4. Dummies for Multiple Categories; 
6.5. Interactions between dummy variables