P08 - MLRM; Chow test, Heteroskedasticity
14 Novembro 2019, 08:00 • Luís Silveira Santos
Exercise C6 (Wooldridge - Chapter 7)
Exercise 1, 2, 3, C3 and C4 (Wooldridge - Chapter 8)
Lecture 15
13 Novembro 2019, 10:30 • Paulo Parente
Basic Regression Analysis with Time Series Data. Wooldridge (2013), Chapter 10
- Assumptions for Unbiasedness
- Variances of OLS Estimators
- Inference on the long-run propensity
Lecture 14
12 Novembro 2019, 10:30 • Paulo Parente
Chapter 8 of Wooldridge (2013):
Exercises: 1, 2, 3, C3, C4
Multiple Regression Analysis: Heteroskedasticity.
- Weighted Least Squares, Generalized Least Squares, Feasible GLS
Basic Regression Analysis with Time Series Data.
- Time Series vs. Cross Sectional
- Finite Distributed Lag Models
P07 - MLRM; Dummy variables
7 Novembro 2019, 08:00 • Luís Silveira Santos
Exercise 1, 2, 4, 5 and 8 (Wooldridge - Chapter 7)
Lecture 13
6 Novembro 2019, 10:30 • Paulo Parente
Multiple Regression Analysis: Heteroskedasticity.
- Variance of the OLS estimator with Heteroskedasticity
- Robust Standard Errors
- Heteroskedastic-robust Wald statistic and A Robust Lagrange Multiplier Statistic
- Testing for Heteroskedasticity (The Breusch-Pagan Test, The White Test)