T15 - FDL models
13 Novembro 2018, 10:30 • Isabel Proença
Basic Regression analysis with Time Series Data: The nature of Time Series Data. Examples of Times series regression models: Finite Distributed Lag (FDL) Models - the short-run multiplier and the long-run multiplier.
T14 - Tests for Heteroscedasticity
31 Outubro 2018, 09:30 • Isabel Proença
Testing for heteroscedasticity. Examples. Exercises .
T13 - Heteroscedasticity
30 Outubro 2018, 10:30 • Isabel Proença
Heteroscedasticity: motivation; definition and consequences for OLS. Heteroscedasticity-robust inference after OLS estimation of the coefficients. Estimation when the heteroscedasticity is known up to a multiplicative constant. Testing for heteroscedasticity.
P05 - Dummy variables
25 Outubro 2018, 08:00 • Luís Silveira Santos
Exercise 1, 2, 5, C4, C7(i), chapter 7, Wooldridge
T12 - Chow test
24 Outubro 2018, 09:30 • Isabel Proença
Testing for differences in the regression functions across groups: the Chow test. Examples. Exercises.