
Public holiday

5 Outubro 2021, 18:00 Paulo Parente

Public holiday

Lecture 3

28 Setembro 2021, 18:00 Paulo Parente

    The Multiple Regression Model

  ∙  The Classical Linear Regression Model
  ∙  Regression with random regressors

  ∙  Partitioned Linear Model

Exercise Sheet 2: Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (a), (b), (c).

Lecture 2

21 Setembro 2021, 18:00 Paulo Parente

Exercise Sheet 1: Exercises 5,6,7,8.

    The Nature of Econometrics and Economic Data

  ∙  Major uses of Econometrics
  ∙  Basic Ingredients of an empirical project
  ∙  Formulate a model (example)
  ∙  The Question of Causality
  ∙  Misspecification Testing
  ∙  Types of Data

    The Multiple Regression Model

  ∙  The regression model in scalar form
  ∙  Motivation for the Ordinary Least Squares estimator
  ∙  Estimation Procedure
  ∙  Multiple Regression Analysis

Lecture 1

14 Setembro 2021, 18:00 Paulo Parente

General Information on the module.

Revision on Matrix Algebra

  • Definition
  • Transpose
  • inner product
  • Euclidean norm
  • distance
  • Definition
  • Transpose
  • Basic Rules
  • Outer product
  • Linear Dependence and Rank
  • Characteristic roots and vectors
  • Eigen Decomposition of a symmetric matrix
  • Trace
  • Quadratic forms
Exercise Sheet 1: Exercises 1, 2, 3, 4.