

7 Março 2019, 10:00 João Nicolau

       2.4 Generalized Method of Moments (GMM)

          2.4.1 Method of Moments

          2.4.2 GMM

          2.4.3 Sampling Error

       2.5 Large-Sample Properties of GMM

          2.5.1 Asymptotic Distribution of the GMM Estimator


28 Fevereiro 2019, 10:00 JOÃO ANTÓNIO MENDES DA CRUZ

Resolução dos exercícios 3, 9, 10 e 11 do capítulo 1, e 1, 5 e 7 do capítulo 2.



25 Fevereiro 2019, 10:00 João Nicolau

       2.2 Examples of Endogeneity

          2.2.1 Simultaneous Equations Bias

          2.2.2 Errors-in-Variables Bias

          2.2.3 Omitted Variable Bias

       2.3 The General Formulation

          2.3.1 Regressors and Instruments

          2.3.2 Identification 

          2.3.3 Order Condition for Identification

          2.3.4 The Assumption for Asymptotic Normality



21 Fevereiro 2019, 10:00 João Nicolau

          1.4.4 Efficient Estimation by Generalized Least Squares (GLS)

          1.4.5 Feasible GLS

          1.4.6 Testing Serial Correlation

          1.4.7 Dynamically Complete Models

          1.4.8 Misspecification

    2 Endogeneity and the GMM

       2.1 Introduction


18 Fevereiro 2019, 10:00 João Nicolau

       1.4 Autocorrelation

          1.4.1 OLS I - Properties

          1.4.2 OLS II - Estimating S Consistently

          1.4.3 OLS III - Inference