2 Abril 2020, 10:00 • João Nicolau
2.3 Definitions and Assumptions
2.3.1 Regressors and Instruments
2.3.2 Assumptions
2.4 Generalized Method of Moments (GMM)
Videos: Ponto 2 parte 16 a Ponto 2 parte 23
30 Março 2020, 10:00 • João Nicolau
2 Endogeneity and the GMM [Hayashi]
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Examples of Endogeneity
2.2.1 Simultaneous Equations Bias
2.2.2 Errors-in-Variables Bias
2.2.3 Omitted Variable Bias
2.2.4 Sample Selection Bias
Videos: Ponto 2 Parte 01 a Ponto 2 Parte 15
26 Março 2020, 10:00 • João Nicolau
Exercícios sobre o ponto 4
Videos: Ponto 4 - Exercícios Parte 1 a Ponto 4 - Exercícios Parte 6
23 Março 2020, 10:00 • João Nicolau
4.6 Augmented Dickey-Fuller Tests
4.7 Practical Issues in Implementing the ADF test
Vídeos: Ponto 4 - Parte 8 a Ponto 8 - Parte 13
19 Março 2020, 10:00 • João Nicolau
4 Unit-Root Processes
4.1 Definitions
4.2 Introduction (Testing Unit-Roots)
4.3 Brownian Motion (Wiener Process)
4.4 The Functional CLT and Continuous Mapping Theorem
4.4.1 Functional CLT
4.4.2 Continuous Mapping Theorem
4.4.3 Applications to Unit Root Processes
4.5 Dickey-Fuller Tests
4.5.1 No Constant Term or Time Trend in the Regression
4.5.2 Constant Term but No Time Trend Included in the Regression
4.5.3 Constant Term and Time Trend Included in the Regression
Videos: Ponto 4 Parte 1 a Ponto 4 Parte 7