Lecture 7
21 Outubro 2024, 18:00 • Paulo Parente
Exercise Sheet 3: Exercise 2a(iii),b.
Limited Dependent Variable Models
1 Introduction;
2 Truncated data;
3 Censored data;
4 Sample selection;
Exercise Sheet 4: Exercise 1a,b.
Lecture 6
14 Outubro 2024, 18:00 • Paulo Parente
Ordered Data and Count Data Models
- Hurdle and Zero-Inflated Poisson Models.
Exercise Sheet 3: Exercise 2a,i,ii,iii
Lecture 5
7 Outubro 2024, 18:00 • Paulo Parente
Exercise Sheet 2: Exercise 2
Ordered Data and Count Data Models
- Ordered data
- Count Data Models
- The Poisson Regression Model
- Overdispersion
- Heterogeneity and the Negative Binomial Regression Model
Lecture 4
30 Setembro 2024, 18:00 • Paulo Parente
Binary Choice Models
- Linear Probability Model
- Index Models for Binary Response
- Latent variable threshold (LVT) model
- Random utility models
- Marginal Effects and Average Partial Effects
- Simple specification tests
- Goodness of Fit
Lecture 3
23 Setembro 2024, 18:00 • Paulo Parente
Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Hypothesis testing.
Exercise Sheet 1: Exercise 1