
Lecture 7

2 Novembro 2020, 18:00 Paulo Parente

    Ordered Data and Count Data Models

      -  Hurdle and Zero-Inflated Poisson Models.
      -  Models for Panel Data

Exercise Sheet 3 - Exercise 3


Limited Dependent Variable Models

2.Truncated data;
3.Censored data;

Lecture 6

26 Outubro 2020, 18:00 Paulo Parente

    Ordered Data and Count Data Models

  ∙  Ordered data
  ∙  Count Data Models
      -  The Poisson Regression Model
      -  Overdispersion
      -  Heterogeneity and the Negative Binomial Regression Model
      -  Hurdle and Zero-Inflated Poisson Models.

Lecture 5

19 Outubro 2020, 18:00 Paulo Parente

Exercise Sheet 2, Exercise 2(b), (c), (d)

Lecture 4

12 Outubro 2020, 18:00 Paulo Parente

    Discrete Choice Models

  ∙  Binary Choice Models
      -  Simple specification tests
      -  Goodness of Fit
  ∙  Multinomial choice models
      -  Multinomial Logit
      -  Probabilistic Choice Models

Exercise Sheet 2, Exercise 2(a)

Lecture 3

28 Setembro 2020, 18:00 Paulo Parente

Exercise sheet 1: 1d),e),f) g)

Discrete Choice Models
  ∙  Binary Choice Models
      -  Linear Probability Model
      -  Index Models for Binary Response
      -  Latent variable threshold (LVT) model
      -  Random utility models
      -  Simple specification tests