Lecture 8
7 Novembro 2019, 18:00 • Paulo Parente
Univariate time series modelling
- ARMA processes
- Box Jenkins Methodology
- Forecasts
Lecture 7
31 Outubro 2019, 18:00 • Paulo Parente
Univariate time series modelling
- Stochastic Process
- Stationary Processes
- Wold's Decomposition Theorem
- ARMA processes
Lecture 6
24 Outubro 2019, 18:00 • Paulo Parente
Limited Dependent Variable Models
- Censored data;
- Sample selection;
Exercise Sheet 4: Exercise 1
Lecture 5
17 Outubro 2019, 18:00 • Paulo Parente
Ordered Data and Count Data Models
Count Data Models
- Heterogeneity and the Negative Binomial Regression Model
- Hurdle and Zero-Inflated Poisson Models.
- Binomial Regression
- Models for Panel Data
Exercise Sheet 3, Exercise 3
Limited Dependent Variable Models
- Introduction;
- Truncated data;
Lecture 4
10 Outubro 2019, 18:00 • Paulo Parente
Exercise Sheet 2: Exercise 2c),d)
Ordered data
Count Data Models
- The Poisson Regression Model
- Overdispersion