
TP 11

4 Maio 2023, 18:00 Isabel Proença

               Conclusion of the empirical example on Boston housing data: resolution of questions 15 to 24.

4.      Additional Topics

4.1.   Heteroscedasticity

                        Empirical Example about heteroscedasticity (Columbus housing data): questions 1 to 6.

TP 10

27 Abril 2023, 18:00 Isabel Proença

3.6.   Empirical Application with STATA – “Boston housing”:

        Example with tests specification and modelling: resolution of questions 1 to 14. 

TP 9

20 Abril 2023, 18:00 Isabel Proença

3.6.   The General Spatial Linear Model SARAR(1,1)

3.7.   The Spatial Durbin Model

3.8.   Testing spatial autocorrelation among the residuals

3.9.   Partial Effects

TP 8

13 Abril 2023, 18:00 Isabel Proença

Empirical application with STATA – “used cars”.

TP 7

30 Março 2023, 18:00 Isabel Proença

3.    Spatial Linear Regression Models

3.1.   Introduction

3.2.   The Classical Model with Spatially Lagged Regressors

3.3.   The Pure Spatial Autoregression

3.4.   The Spatial Lag Model (SLM)

3.5.   The Spatial Error Model (SEM)