
Experimental Economics: methods and topics

Doutoramento Bolonha em Economia


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Experimental Economics: methods and topics

Mestrado Bolonha em Management

Mestrado Bolonha em Economia Monetária e Financeira

Mestrado Bolonha em Economia


Part I: Introduction and Methodology 1. Introduction to Experimental Economics 1.1. Brief history of Experimental Economics 1.2. Strengthens and weaknesses of the experimental method 1.3. Experimental Economics and the “others”: 1.3.1. Experimental Economics vs. Behavioral Economics 1.3.2. Experimental Economics vs. Econometrics 2. Lab vs Field Experiments? 3. Experimental Design and Procedures 3.1. Incentives and control over preferences 3.2. Treatments, controls, sessions 3.3. Between and within subjects’ design 3.4. One shot vs. repeated interaction 3.5. Role reversal 3.6. Partners vs. strangers 3.7. Elicitation of beliefs 3.8. The strategy and direct methods of elicitation 3.9. Deception 3.10. Optimal sample size 4. Experimental Software 4.1. Introduction to z-tree 5. Experimental Data Analysis 5.1. The beauty of randomization 5.2. Non-parametric statistics Part II: Topics 1. Decision making under risk 2. Intertemporal decision-making 3. Pro-social and moral behavior: Cooperation, fairness, reciprocity, trust, lying, and corruption 4. Enforcement of social norms 5. (Behavioral) Economics of incentives and nudges 6. Gender differences 7. Matching markets 8. Asset markets and behavioral finance 9. Other experiments in macroeconomics