
Public Goods

14 Fevereiro 2025, 14:00 Francisco Vitorino de Andrade e Silva Queiros

Public goods: exercises and discussion.

Lecture 6 Public Expenditure: Theory and practice (conclusion)

11 Fevereiro 2025, 13:30 Paulo Trigo Pereira

2.2.3 Private versus public provision and production of goods and services

2.2.4 Externalities and mixed goods 

Lacture 5

10 Fevereiro 2025, 15:00 Paulo Trigo Pereira

Chapter 2: Public expenditure: theory and practice

  2.1. Some normative arguments about the role of the public sector

  2.1.1. Market failures

  2.1.2. Market injustices

  2.2.  Public expenditure and efficiency: public goods and externalities

  2.2.1. Public goods versus private goods

  2.2.2. The optimal provision of public goods

Tutorial 2

7 Fevereiro 2025, 14:00 Francisco Vitorino de Andrade e Silva Queiros

Different views about the state: the minimal state; the welfare state; the imperfect state.

Chapter 1: Public finance and the role of the state (conclusion)

4 Fevereiro 2025, 13:30 Paulo Trigo Pereira

Chapter 1: Public finance and the role of the state (conclusion)

  1.2. Public finance and several theories about the role of the government

  1.2.4. The imperfect state

  1.2.5. The classical approach to public finance, interventionism and          constitutionalism Classical public finance and the minimal state Financial interventionism and the welfare state Constitutionalism and the imperfect state Characteristics of modern public finance