
Economic and Financial Sociology

Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia

Licenciatura Bolonha em Finanças

Licenciatura Bolonha em Matemática Aplicada à Economia e à Gestão

Licenciatura Bolonha em Gestão

Licenciatura Bolonha em Economia


- What is Economic Sociology? Boundaries and Limits. Economic Sociology vs. Economics. Beyond the Homo Oeconomicus and the Homo Sociologicus; - A Brief History of Economic Sociology: The Founding Fathers (1840-1920). The Great Divide - From Schumpeter and Polanyi to the Parsonian Project. The Emergence of a New Paradigm - the Eighties and the New Economic Sociology; - The Vocabulary of the New Economic Sociology: Embeddedness, Social Capital, Trust, Social Networks, Performativity. The Social Capital debate. Dirty Hands vs. Clean Models? - The Social Construction of Value. The Economic Sociology of Giving, Reciprocity and Altruism. Special Markets and special commodities. The market for blood and organs. Auctions or the language of value(s); - Institutions and Organizations. Isomorphism and Legitimacy. The Ecological Hypothesis. Who Controls the Modern Organizations. The shareholder value consensus. The Business Groups Issue; - The Social Construction of Markets. Ideological Constructions. Defining Exchange and its varieties. The Social Construction of Competition. Socio-Economic Models of Production; - The Economic Sociology of Capitalism and Globalization. Industry Creating Mechanisms in Advanced Societies. The Eastern Transitions. Risk and Uncertainty; - The Sociology of Financial Markets. Information and Arbitrage. The Performativity Hypothesis. The Big Bang and the Globalization of the Financial Markets. The Rhetoric of the Market. The Social Meanings of Money; - The Economic Sociology of Public Finance. Finanz Soziologie or Fiscal Sociology? Bringing the State Back In? Fiscal Illusion and Fiscal Culture; - Culture and Economics. Culture Industries. Between homogeneity and heterogeneity. Consumption and Life Styles. The Art World. The post materialist values debate;