
L 11 - Assessing Portugal's backwardness in the 19th century

28 Março 2017, 15:00 Leonor Freire Costa

1- Aggregate indicatores and structural features. 2- Some possible explenatoons: literacy and protectionism revisited.

L 10- A monetary history

23 Março 2017, 15:00 Leonor Freire Costa

Visit to the exhebition of the Money Museum.

L- 9 - The 18th century

21 Março 2017, 15:00 Leonor Freire Costa

The 18th century- the significance of the Mathuen Treaty and of gold inlfows. The earthquake and the rise of Marquis of Pombal. The economic policy of the late 18th century - import substitution and the protected market in Brazil.

L-8 Assignment

16 Março 2017, 15:00 Leonor Freire Costa

Study of the article, Leonor F. Costa, Nuno Palma and Jaime Reis, The great escape? The contribution of the empire to Portugal's economic growth, European Review of Economic History, 2015.

L7 - The impact of the colonial expansion

14 Março 2017, 15:00 Leonor Freire Costa

The international trade  after Columbus and Vasco da Gama: discussing factors, evidence and limits of a globalized economy in early modern period.