
L 5 - Tutorial - Portugal and the Black Death

5 Março 2018, 15:00 Leonor Freire Costa

Tutorial class: dicussing the article by A. Castro Henriques, Plenty of land, land of plenty: the agraian output of Portugal (1311-20).

L 4 Portugal's formation: the international context

26 Fevereiro 2018, 15:00 Leonor Freire Costa

Europe's two main global economies: the Hanseatic League and the Mediterranean. 2- The importance of the Black Death. 3- Portugal against this backdrop of changes.

L 3- Portugal's foundation

21 Fevereiro 2018, 15:00 Leonor Freire Costa

Portugal's foundation: the context; the significance of the process of reconquest and long-lasting institutional arrangements

L 2 A short view on portuguese history

19 Fevereiro 2018, 15:00 Leonor Freire Costa

1- The benchmarks ; 2- the main questions and debates on Portuguese economic history

L1- Presentation

14 Fevereiro 2018, 15:00 Leonor Freire Costa

The goals of the course, the assessment methods and readings