
Deterministic dynamic optimization in discrete time

22 Novembro 2013, 18:00 Paulo Brito

Calculus of variations

Pontriyagin's maximum principle

Introduction, discrete time optimization

19 Novembro 2013, 21:00 Paulo Brito


Discrete time oprimization: the calculus of variations probelm

Planar linear differential and difference equations

15 Novembro 2013, 18:00 GIANLUIGI DEL MAGNO

  1. Non-homogeneous linear ODE's with constant coefficients
  2. Homemogeneous linear ODE's: phase portrait and stability analysis
  3. Planar DE's: generalities
  4. Non-homogeneous linear DE's: solution
  5. Computation of the power of a matrix using Jordan canonical forms
  6. Phase portrait and stability analysis for homogeneous linear DE's
  7. Examples

Solutions of planar linear differential equations

12 Novembro 2013, 21:00 GIANLUIGI DEL MAGNO

  1. Solutions of homogeneous linear equations
  2. Computation of the Jordan Normal form of a matrix
  3. Examples

Planar differential equations

8 Novembro 2013, 18:00 GIANLUIGI DEL MAGNO

  1. Planar autonomous differental equations
  2. Homogeneous linear differential equations
  3. Linear algebra reminder: eigenvalues and eigenvectors
  4. Exponential of a matrix
  5. Jordan Decmposition Theorem
  6. Exponential of normal Jordan forms